Thursday, August 26, 2010

High court strkes down Chicago handgun ban. June 29, 2010.


Constitutional Connection:  Amendment 2 states: "A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

Explanation of Connection:  A man by the name of Otis McDonald from Chicago (McDonald v. Chicago-08-1521). believed he had the right to own a gun to protect himself from the gangs in his neighborhood. Chicago has some of the strongest laws against having guns. Chicago denied an application for a handgun permit. He appealed his case to the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court  ruled Chicago, Illinois', 28-year-old strict ban on handgun ownership to be unconstitutional. 

This article demonstrates the power that the US Constitution has to make sure that the right of an individual to own a handgun. The government does agree that local governments has to have some measures to control the use of guns and most states have their own local laws.

I understand that the use of guns in may states is a problem. Many young boys and innocent people have died because guns are in the wrong hands.  I think  that people should be able to own a gun for protection. There has to be some guidelines and rules people have to follow if they are going to own a gun. The local governments have to figure  out how they are going to stop the  gang members and young people from acquiring guns illegally.

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