Monday, August 30, 2010

Arizona immigration law SB 1070 - Judge blocks some sections

Constitution Connection:  Amendment 10 states, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

Explanation of Connection:  In this article the Arizona law that was adopted in April 2010 has been one of the most toughest law on immigration ever written.  This Arizona law has many civil right groups very upset. Arizona states that the law is needed to stop the large number of illegal immigrants coming into Arizona. The law basically allows the police to ask detainees to show proof of citizenship.Immigrants have to carry their citizenship papers and if they don't it is a misdemeanor. This law has started a nationwide debate and a Justice Department lawsuit. A US District Judge, Bolton, declared the Arizona law unconstitutional one day before it was going to go into effect. The Governor of Arizona promised to take the appeal to the United States Supreme Court.

     It is important that all the States be in agreement in regards to immigration. We cannot have different states making up their own laws. This would cause chaos. There has to be a balance of powers. The individual states should not have the final say on immigration. We have to stand together on certain issues in order for the country to be safe.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Paolo--good choice of article here and you provide a reasonable analysis of the article. But, is SB 1070 Constitutional--I guess that's the ultimate question. Also--please be sure to proofread your post for grammar...
